Chloe Agar

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The inherently interdisciplinary course helped me develop the tools, critical thinking and confidence needed to begin to navigate different responses.

Benefits of an interdisciplinary course

The MA certainly had a great impact on my life - the inherently interdisciplinary course helped me develop the tools, critical thinking and confidence needed to begin to navigate different responses to our changing environments. You will likely be in a cohort of students from lots of different academic backgrounds, including biological sciences, art and photography, humanities, philosophies and geographies. This provides a rich learning environment in which to critically benefit from a variety of perspectives and recognise the need for cross-disciplinary collaboration, knowledge sharing, and collective reimagining.

Throughout the MA you will have inspiring lecturers and teachers who encourage you to be creative in exploring your own interests and finding tools to navigate the complex realities of our current environmental predicament.

Life since graduating

I am currently working with the community and youth outreach team of a botanical garden, working in communications and project delivery to bring people together to value and enjoy UK native plants and fungi in their local environments.

Advice for future students

You are here to learn, and there is always more to learn, but remember you have something to teach, too.