Louise O'Kelly

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The course fundamentally influenced how I think and research, and exposed me to developing critical thinking.

Louise's time at Goldsmiths

I loved how each of the tutors had a specialism, which meant you were exposed to so many new ideas, each being an expert in their field of research.

The course fundamentally influenced how I think, how I research and exposed me to developing critical thinking skills. The meeting point between two different specialisms on the course led me to the topic of my thesis and it further development into a festival.

What is Louise doing since graduating from Goldsmiths

I am currently working as an independent curator and Director of Block Universe, London's leading international performance festival and commissioning body, alongside my role as representative for Artforum Magazine. I am still connected with colleagues of mine that I studied with.

Advice for current and upcoming students

It's what you make of it, so take up any optional opportunities, spend time in the library, and talk with your peers. Your network will be one of the most important assets from your time at Goldsmiths and will stand you in good stead over the course of your career.

Favourite part about studing in South-East London

It's a very diverse area, with a lot of energy.