Maria Markiewicz

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I loved everything about my degree at Goldsmiths and cannot imagine a better programme. If I could dream up a course, this would be it.

MA Contemporary Art Theory was my dream course

I loved everything about my degree at Goldsmiths (I studied MA Contemporary Art Theory) and cannot imagine a better programme. If I could dream up a course, this would be it: MA CAT introduced me to some of the academics I admire the most (Preciado, Pettman, Halberstam) and was truly a formative experience – I wouldn't be where I am now without it. It only ensured me that an academic career is what I want for my future and jumpstarted it: my research into post-sexuality started as an MA dissertation and soon it will be published as a book chapter by Routledge.

It all truly started at Goldsmiths...

I am currently working as a Curator London's Tavistock Institute (a not-for-profit multi-disciplinary social science organisation established in the 1940s), a job that was advertised through my programme, and as a writer – I publish both art and academic writing and I was awarded a Fulbright scholarship earlier this year. The scholarship will allow me to continue my studies in New York (MA Liberal Studies at The New School for Social Research). There, I will be working with Professor Dominic Pettman on further developing my post-sexuality theory – I owe this connection to Dr Lynn Turner, who introduced me to Pettman during my dissertation research. It all truly started at Goldsmiths!

After completing the MA in New York, I plan to do a PhD and hopefully settle down in London, pursuing an academic career. Who knows, maybe I will be back at Goldsmiths one day? And maybe even in a different capacity: not to learn, but to teach (though the two go hand in hand). This is another big dream of mine – to inspire and be inspired, to learn with and from others

Networking, work experience, university advice, and enjoyment

Enjoy it while it lasts: those years usually tend to go by very fast! Use every possible opportunity that comes your way and never underestimate the power of networking: your university friends, tutors, and colleagues can truly change your life. Also: it may sound scary, but remember that there is life after university. Start building your portfolio, making connections, and get some work experience whenever you can. It will make your life after graduation so much easier (and way less stressful). To put it differently – think about the future, sure, but also enjoy the present: be as radical as you want, experiment, try out new ideas. There is no better place to do it than Goldsmiths. They're here to help make your magic (be it art, writing, or anything else really!) happen.

Areas around Goldsmiths boast some of the most exciting areas of London

I really love South East London – I moved there to be closer to university and stayed there long after Graduation. Peckham, Deptford, and Greenwich are for me some of the most exciting areas of London. If you're interested in the arts, Peckham and Deptford have a very rich and exciting art scene (and some really good food places). Brockley (20 mins walk from Goldsmiths) has wonderful cafes and one of my favourite London bookshops – Crofton Books. + Goldsmiths library and the CCA are also within walking distance. What more could you ask for?...