Photo of Frances


"Goldsmiths is such a creative and progressive place."

Main details

Year graduated 2017
Occupation Video Producer, Newsweek Media Group

"During my degree I learnt practical skills such as writing, editing, filming and photography that have helped me produce a portfolio of work thath has led me to getting a job after graduating.

However, Goldsmiths also taught me how to think. One of my favourite parts of my degree was the theory we learnt, and applying that to practical work. Goldsmiths taught me to think critically about the world, and especially in journalism, about sources and narratives that we (as either journalists or the audience) engage with.

Goldsmiths is such a creative, and progressive place. I really enjoyed collaborating with other students, whether they were studying design or english, or other students within the media department.

The teaching staff at Goldsmiths were supportive, but also encouraged students to think critically about the work of others and question why and how we were studying a subject. They were also very generous with their time, advice and industry links.

I'm now working as a Video Producer at Newsweek Media Group. I source, script and edit videos for both news and features, as well as react quickly to breaking news stories, pitch original feature and explainer ideas, shoot original footage and interviews, and occasionally write features."

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