Marina Ionita

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The programme is exceptionally curated, engaging with the most important dimensions of ecological devastation and the responses we may begin to form.

An inspiring degree

I stumbled upon Goldsmiths’ MA in Ecology, Culture and Society after an arduous search, which led me to mostly uninspiring programmes, and it immediately became the only MA I wanted to do.

The programme is exceptionally curated, engaging with the most important dimensions of ecological devastation and the responses we may begin to form in these troubling times.

It is strengthened by its ability to bring together students from many different backgrounds, which makes for a rich and generative space.

Martin, Mariam, and Monk made Goldsmiths a joy to be at. They are wonderful and generous tutors and it was a joy to learn and think with them.

A bustling local community

South East London is full of things to do. There are heaps of community gardens in borrowed places. There are plently of pubs and parks and spaces like Avalon Cafe host talks and poetry nights.

Advice for prospective students

  • Read widely and curiously
  • Attend events, and make friends
  • Most importantly, start a reading group (in a great pub)