Goldsmiths Law LLM Fee Waiver

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This is a 10% fee waiver for alumni of any Goldsmiths department wishing to study a postgraduate programme in the Department of Law. This value will be added to the existing 20% Goldsmiths alumni fee waiver, making it a total fee waiver of 30% of the home student fees. International students are also eligible, and the value of the award will be equal to 30% of home student fees. Exclusions and adjustments based on other awards held may apply.

Number available


Year of entry


Eligibility criteria

All Goldsmiths alumni who are progressing to one of the following postgraduate programmes are eligible to apply:

Please note, this cannot be combined with the Goldsmiths Excellence Fee Waiver. Please also see our general eligibility criteria and regulations.

Application deadlines

30 September 2025

Widening participation and our focus on social justice

The alumni fee waivers reflect the Department’s strong widening participation ethos and emphasis on social justice. Its students and staff form a truly distinctive close-knit, deeply empathetic, community of learners, and the Department wants to empower its alumni to stay connected and advance their learning and career goals through facilitating the study of our pioneering LLM degrees.

The application of these fee waivers aims to level the playing field for our alumni, considerably reducing the cost of studying for the LLM which becomes comparable to Master’s degrees in other social science and humanities subjects (and significantly less expensive than LLM degrees elsewhere).

Our socio-legal perspective, and opening Law to graduates from other Goldsmiths departments

The alumni fee waivers also recognise the Department of Law’s position as a key part of the School of Culture & Society, where it sits with the Departments of Politics and International Relations, Sociology, Anthropology, History, and the Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies. The waivers will enable graduates of these departments to build on their humanities and social science foundational knowledge by studying for a career-enhancing, professionally pertinent, LLM programme, in relevant areas of work, integrating theory and practice. These students will find themselves at ease at Goldsmiths Law, in view of the socio-legal approach that the Department takes to the study of law, including at the advanced LLM level.


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