Staff networks

Student page

Our network groups represent the diversity of the Goldsmiths community and offer staff an opportunity to connect with colleagues and create an environment that they feel comfortable to work in.

Staff Networks 

We currently have six staff networks, focused on Disability, Gender, LGBTQ+, Race equality, Parenting/Caring responsibilities, and Menopause.

The purpose of each group is to: 

  • Co-ordinate and oversee a whole-institution approach to promoting equality and aligning student and staff equality initiatives in relation to a specific equality strand
  • Identify objectives in respect of the relevant equality strand and agree an annual work programme to be delivered and monitored by the group
  • Draw on the collective expertise of the group to anticipate and respond to urgent or emerging equality issues at Goldsmiths and across the sector
  • To raise the profile of key events and calendar dates 

Equality Steering Groups 

In 2020-21 we launched Equality Steering Groups at Goldsmiths, as a way to support our Staff Diversity Networks and coordinate activities in relation to the College's equality objectives (more information about these can be found via the Goldsmiths Equality Objectives 2017-2021 action plan (PDF)

Senior Management Team (SMT) Equality Champions 

We currently have equality champions for the following protected characteristics:

  • Disability
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Religion and Belief
  • Sexual Orientation (LGBTQ+)

Staff Networks meetings

Meetings are held once every term.

Staff can contact diversity ( to register to attend a network meeting or for further information on staff networks.