Governance structure
Goldsmiths has 11 committees of Council and 13 committees or sub-committees.
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The College’s Charter outlines that ‘There shall be a Council of the College (hereinafter referred to as "the Council") which shall be the governing body of the College, shall have general control over and responsibility for the conduct of its affairs, and shall have custody and use of the Common Seal of the College.’ Council is the most senior governing body and accountability to external bodies.
There are 11 committees of Council which cover all delegated areas of responsibility from Health and Safety to Honorary Degrees.
There are an additional 13 committees or sub-committees which sit below and report to committees of Council.
Each Committee and sub-committee have defined membership and terms of reference, they are responsible for a strategic area of College business and it is their responsibility to support and challenge the progress in this area.
Each committee is required to provide assurance to its parent committee or Council and escalate risks.
See the Committee Diagram 2024-2025.