Human and computer interaction
Human and Computer Interaction has long been a pillar of research in the Department of Computing.
Primary page content

There are two subsections in the HCI section; Human Computer Interaction & Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence. These are a multidisciplinary group of researchers from art, computing, mathematics and neuroscience backgrounds.
Human Computer Interaction
- Dr Edward Anstead
- Prof Mark d’Inverno
- Dr Vesna Gamez-Djokic
- Dr Rebecca Fiebrink
- Prof Mick Grierson
- Dr Sean McGrath
- Dr James Ohene-Djan
- Dr Jamie Ward
- Prof Atau Tanaka
- Dr Sarah Wiseman
Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence
- Prof. Marco Gillies
- Sumit Paul-Choudhury (Visiting fellow)
- Prof William Latham
- Prof Frederic Leymarie
- Dr Tim Blackwell
- Dr Max Garagnani
- Dr Nikolai Nikolaev
- Prof Robert Zimmer (Head of Department)
- Dr Sylvia Pan
Research Highlights
Prof Atau Tanaka has a long history of awards and grants from the UK and EU. His current research portfolio includes; AHRC, Human Data Interaction: Legibility, Agency, Negotiability, and the ESRC-AHRC UK-Japan SSH Connections grant.
Dr Jamie Ward is a Co-I on NEUROLIVE which is a five year ERC research project. Jamie is also PI on SocSensors, Social wearable sensors to support engagement and learning in children with autism + learning difficulties (SocSensors) in collaboration with UCL. SocSensors is an 18 month ERC Proof of Concept project.
Dr Vesna Gamez-Djokic has recently joined us as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow. Her 2 year research fellowship is called IMSquared.
Prof William Latham and Prof Frederic Fol Leymarie are helping in fighting Covid-19 in Visualising Covid-19. They are working on the virus visualisation and you can see their article here.
Dr Marco Gillies currently leads an EPSRC research project, called 4i Immersive Interaction design for Indie developers with Interactive machine learning, which is a two year research project.
Dr Sylvia Pan leads on the AHRC research project called, Immersive Art and Tech: the use of immersive technology in performance art which is a UK/China consortium.