Examining for a research degree
Primary page content
The Research Degrees unit within the Graduate School oversees all aspects of MPhil and PhD examinations.
Our Guideline documents set out the Research Degree Examination process in detail. It is recommended that all prospective Examiners and Independent Chairs consult this Guidance prior to conducting an MPhil or a PhD examination.
Examiner Guidance
- EG1 - Doctoral examinations timeline (PDF)
- EG2 - Guidelines for Research Degree Examiner (PDF)
- EG3 - Research Degree Examination Outcomes (PDF)
- GG1b - Good Practice Guidelines for Video-conference (PDF)
Examiner Forms
- EF2 - Independent Preliminary Report Form
- EF3a - PhD examination outcome Form
- EF3b - MPhil examination outcome Form
- EF4 - Final Joint Report Form
- EF5a - PhD Amendment Report Form
- EF5b - MPhil Amendment Report Form
Claim Forms
- P002 - Fee payment claim form for staff member (Excel)
- N002 - Fee payment claim form for non-staff member (Excel)
- N003 - Oversees payment claim form for non-staff member (Excel)
- N003 - Overseas taxation declaration for non-UK residents (PDF)
- N004 - Expenses claim form for non-staff member (Excel)
We are here to offer guidance and support to Examiners and Independent Chairs at any stage of the process; so please do get in touch via email: research-degrees (@gold.ac.uk).