How assessments and credits work

How the assessments of what you study abroad will be credited by Goldsmiths.

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If you study abroad for a semester you will be expected to take an equivalent amount of credits at the university you visit. In general, this will be 60 credits per term.

You are expected to study and take all the appropriate assessments for your modules abroad.

You will be graded for your modules abroad according to your host university's grading system.

Once you have finished your study abroad period, your host university will issue a transcript to the International Mobility team at Goldsmiths.

The International Mobility team will pass your transcript onto your department, who will convert your grades to the British system using the Erasmus Conversion Tables (PDF).

An average of all your grades achieved abroad will be calculated, and you will receive one overall grade for your study abroad term worth the amount of credits that you took.

This will then feature on your transcript.

If you’re taking part in short term study abroad then this won’t count towards your degree. You won’t receive credits, but this can be added to your HEAR for employers to see.