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6 Departmental Boards


There shall be a Departmental Board for each department.


Each Department Board shall have, at least, two sub-committees: 

- Department Learning and Teaching Committee 

- Department Research Committee 


Where a Department has fewer than 200 students all sub-committee business shall be undertaken by the Department Board 


7 Membership of Departmental Boards


There shall be a Standard Composition for Departmental Boards approved by Academic Board for publication, which shall also consider recommendations from individual Boards for exceptions from the Standard Composition.


Nothing within this Ordinance shall prevent a Head of Department from convening Departmental Meetings to which any member of staff or student of the department may be invited.


8 Meetings of Departmental Boards


Each Departmental Board shall meet not less than twice in each academic year.


The quorum for a meeting of a Departmental Board shall be as specified in the Standing Order 4 of the College. 

i) one-third of its members (the arithmetical third being rounded up or down to the nearest whole number), not counting vacant places; 

ii) three members. 

9 Powers of Departmental Boards


Each Departmental Board shall be advisory to the Head of Department on how they are delivering against the College's strategic priorities and on matters pertaining to the sustenance of the Department’s academic standards. Including prioritisation, teaching, quality assurance (including programme monitoring and new programmes), research, examinations and structure of the department 


Each Departmental Board shall advise and report termly to Academic Board on the academic priorities, reporting progress and risks. 


Act as a forum for College wide strategies and initiatives and report to relevant College committee. 


To disseminate and implement College education and research strategies through department level initiatives which ensure the maintenance and continuous improvement of academic quality and standards. 


To ensure the ongoing monitoring and continuous improvement of student experience across the department and make recommendations to Academic Board on areas for improvement. 


Boards should receive minutes, extracts of minutes and/or reports from relevant College Committees and Sub-Committees. Representatives from the department on the relevant body should act as a conduit for the escalation of matters. 


To receive, debate and comment upon the Department Strategic,  Operational Plans and Risk Registers with particular reference to the proposed academic contribution of the Department towards meeting the objectives of the College. 


Provide a formal forum for discussing issues that run across the department